embed ttf as embeded resource: can't reference it [duplicate]
I've just added a ttf file to the project (c# 2008 express) as "file" and build option to embedded resource.
I'm having problems when trying to set this font like this: (I know the next line is wrong...)
this.label1.Font = AlarmWatch.Properties.Resources.Baby_Universe;
Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'byte[]' to 'System.Drawing.Font' C:\Users\hongo\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\AlarmWatch\AlarmWatch\Form1.Designer.cs 57 32 AlarmWatch
I know it is byte[] cause I've set the option build as embedded resource, but comparing with this line that is correct:
this.label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("OCR A Extended",
24F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular,
System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
How can I set this.label1 to use the new font?
There is a AddMemoryFont
method in the System.Drawing.Text
namespace, which loads a font from a memory (it takes a pointer to the memory block, so you'll need to do some unsafe operation to get pointer to your byte array - I found an example here). More about the method on MSDN.
There is also a related StackOverflow question showing how to import Win API function to load the font directly (in case the above .NET method doesn't work).
EDIT A translation of the key part from Visual Basic might look like this (haven't checked it though):
// This should be probably a field of some class
PrivateFontCollection pfc = new PrivateFontCollection();
// allocate memory and copy byte[] to the location
IntPtr data = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(yourByteArray.Length);
Marshal.Copy(yourFontArray, 0, data, yourFontArray.Length);
// pass the font to the font collection
pfc.AddMemoryFont(data, fontStream.Length)
// Free the unsafe memory
Once you have this, you should be able to refer to the font using its usual name.
private static void AddFontFromResource(PrivateFontCollection privateFontCollection, string fontResourceName)
var fontBytes = GetFontResourceBytes(typeof (App).Assembly, fontResourceName);
var fontData = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(fontBytes.Length);
Marshal.Copy(fontBytes, 0, fontData, fontBytes.Length);
privateFontCollection.AddMemoryFont(fontData, fontBytes.Length);
private static byte[] GetFontResourceBytes(Assembly assembly, string fontResourceName)
var resourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(fontResourceName);
if (resourceStream == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to find font '{0}' in embedded resources.", fontResourceName));
var fontBytes = new byte[resourceStream.Length];
resourceStream.Read(fontBytes, 0, (int)resourceStream.Length);
return fontBytes;