
Are there common C# tdd frameworks working on Mono? [closed]

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Are there any unit-testing and mocking frameworks for C# that run on Mono ?

Mono's aim is to provide a complete implementation. If you find a C#/.Net application that doesn't work on Mono (and doesn't fail just because of some p/invoke or something) you might have found a bug in Mono.

In other words: Every native (read: fully managed) C# based framework should work on Mono.

Things I'd look at (note: I didn't test them on Mono, but see above):

  • Nunit
  • Moq

I've used Rhino.Mocks some time ago. http://www.ayende.com/projects/rhino-mocks.aspx.

Also a version of NUnit is already embedded in Mono, and has a nice GUI in the MonoDevelop IDE.





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