LINQ-to-XML Error "is not a member of 'String'"
The following code returns the error from the For Each loop. I have similar code that does not return the error.
'DisplayTitle' is not a member of 'Sting'
Dim evXML As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/event.xml"))
Dim sbEventDetail As New StringBuilder()
Dim summary = _
From sum In evXML.<root>.Elements() _
Select sum...<DisplayTitle>.Value
For Each item In summary
sbEventDetail.Append("<h4>" & item.DisplayTitle & "</h4>")
The XML:
<root xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<DisplayTitle>MARCH MADNESS</DisplayTitle>
<Location>565 Main St</Location>
<OriginatingTimeZone>Eastern Standard Time</OriginatingTimeZone>
Look at what you're selecting:
Select sum...<DisplayTitle>.Value
The Value property returns a string - so the type of the summary
variable is IEnumerable(Of String)
You probably just need:
For Each item In summary
sbEventDetail.Append("<h4>" & item & "</h4>")
... assuming you don't need any HTML-escaping, mind you.