GO TO and DON'T GO TO ! proof of this:
is this proofed:
every algorithm A designed using go to or something like, is equivalence to another algorithm B that does not use go to.
in other words:
every algorithm designed using go to, can be designed witho开发者_开发问答ut using go to.
how to proof?
C. Böhm, G. Jacopini, "Flow diagrams, Turing Machines and Languages with only Two Formation Rules", Comm. of the ACM, 9(5): 366-371,1966.
The Böhm-Jacopini proof describes how to construct a structured flow chart from an arbitrary chart, using the bits in an extra integer variable to keep track of information that the original program represents by the program location. This construction was based on Böhm's programming language P′′. The Böhm-Jacopini proof did not settle the question of whether to adopt structured programming for software development, partly because the construction was more likely to obscure a program than to improve it. On the contrary, it signalled the beginning of the debate. Edsger Dijkstra's famous letter, "Go To Statement Considered Harmful," followed in 1968. Subsequent proofs of the theorem addressed practical shortcomings of the Böhm-Jacopini proof with constructions that maintained or improved the clarity of the original program.1
Every computer program could be expressed without branching. You would need an infinitely long program, but it could be done. (You'd still need an if statement) I guess that's where you would get your formal proof. http://www.jucs.org/jucs_2_11/conditional_branching_is_not/Rojas_R.html
Also, any block of code you could GoTo, can be separated out and placed either in a state machine, or a Repeat Loop. If you take a block of code filled with random (and overlapping goto statements), then each goto point could be assigned to a specific function, and each Goto could be replaced with a function_exit and an assignation of the next state.
do something
do something
if blah goto point3
goto point4
goto point2:
can be replaced by
function point1
do something
return = point2
function point2
do something
if blah return = point3
return = point4
function point3
return = point4
function point4
return = point2
state = point1
state = call_function (state)
until (state=end)
This completely emulates goto without using goto, and because of this, I'd answer - yes.
I'm not sure about goto where the goto-point can be a variable.