
jQuery trim function does not work in IE7?

I'm trying to call the jQuery text() function and run it through the trim() function to remove all trailing and leading whitespace. Seems to work great in Firefox, however, does not 开发者_运维知识库work in IE7 (refuses to remove a space trailing at the end).

Any ideas?! Maybe a regex solution?

you most probably have forgotten about jquery chainning ...

try this


don't be lazy with

$('#selector').text().trim();//this is wrong...


or as @Laserson has simplified it even better, with $.trim($(selector).text());

So here's the gist of what was going on. I had some text in a span element and after that text there was a hyperlink/image the user could click to remove the text from the line it was on (see code below). However, I had put a   after the span element text (in the hyperlink's text) to put a bit of padding between the span text and the "delete" image. So even though I was accessing the element's text and trimming $.trim($(this).parent().text()); it would still include that space at the end! Once I removed this extra space, things worked fine. Still no idea why $.trim() wouldn't take care of it though?!

  <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="removeMe();">&nbsp;
    <img src="delete.png" width="15" height="15" border="0" name="imgRemove" />

Yes i have an idea. The whitespace at the end is not in the element you are calling your text() function on. This can happen in IE because it treats whitespace differently then firefox, and will give it its own elements, where as firefox will not. This is just a hunch, because your question doesnt give much to go on.

jquery uses /^\s+|\s+/g in its trim method-

Any trailing space would have to be added after it returns.

It may depend on when you read it- try to alert the value directly from the trim operation. If that reads correctly, the space is being added by whatever you do next to the string.

If trim really returns with a trailing space, use text.replace( /^\s+|\s+/g,'').





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