
i want to wrap the image as well text around the products like mug, t Shirt, crystals

I am working on shopping cart. pls follow the link www.photohaat.com In the mug section whenever the user upload the image i want to wrap the complete image onto the开发者_Go百科 mug so that he/she will saw the final output immediately.

we develop this shopping cart on PHP language.

I am trying to resolve this problem but unfortunately can't get a success.

If you have any solutions regarding this than please let me know.


I'm pretty sure there is Linux 3D/Raytracing software that can do what you need, but I don't know any easy way.

Maybe ImageMagick can be of help (only maybe, because IM is focused on 2D image manipulation.)

There is an example of cylindrical mapping that might serve as base for your needs. It also might not, it could well be that it is too limited (no real 3D possibilities of changing the axis, perspective, etc.)

Update: There's also Cylinderize, a script for ImageMagick. It's not true 3D either, but looks pretty interesting:

i want to wrap the image as well text around the products like mug, t Shirt, crystals

(source: fmwconcepts.com)

i want to wrap the image as well text around the products like mug, t Shirt, crystals

(source: fmwconcepts.com)





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