
MSBuild: building website using AspNetCompiler - adding references?

I'm attempting to build a ASP.NET website using MSBuild - specifically the AspNetCompiler tag. I know that, for my project, I need to add some references. Within Visual Studio I have several references, one is a project reference and the others are some DLLS (AjaxControlToolkit etc). I'm happy not referencing the project and referencing the DLL instead - however I just can't work out how to add a reference. I've looked up and down and this is what I've found so far:

<Target Name = "PrecompileWeb">
      开发者_开发知识库                  VirtualPath = "DeployTemp" 
                        PhysicalPath = "D:\AutoBuild\CruiseControl\Projects\Websites\MyCompany\2.0.0\WorkingDirectory\VSS"
                        TargetPath = "D:\AutoBuild\CruiseControl\Projects\Websites\MyCompany\2.0.0\PreCompiled"
                        Force = "true"
                        Debug = "true"
            Updateable = "true"/>

Also - I've picked up this bit of code from around the web somewhere, which I thought might help:

     <Reference Include="My.Web.DataEngine, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

What I want to do is add a attribute to the AspNetCompiler tag, something like:


but MSBuild isn't very happy about this.

I've been a bit stuck in not being able to find decent references on doing this anywhere: so I'd really apprechiate some pointers or reference material etc. (or just the answer!)

Thanks for you help.


The aspnet_compiler tool doesn't have a reference property.

Have you looked at using Web Deployment Projects (2005 version)?

You can add references to assemblies used during the compilation of an ASP.NET application by adding to the <assemblies> element, under <compilation> if your web.config. For example:

<compilation targetFramework="4.6.2" debug="true">
    <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />

Read more here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dotnet/netframework-4.0/bfyb45k1(v=vs.100)





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