
Design view not working in Web Projects in Visual Studio 2008

When I try to edit an ASPX file with the Design View it freezes for a moment and does nothing, not even an error message. Looking through menus I've seen some strange things:

  • If I go to Tools->Options->HTML Designer it gives me no options on the right panel, just a "Error loading开发者_如何学编程 property page" message.
  • When I try to open a file using "Open With..." there should be something like "Web Form - Editor", but it is missing and I can only open them using Code View.

I've tried repairing Visual Studio and reinstalling WebDesignerCore, but nothing works. Anyone had the same problem?

This seems to be a known bug with Visual Studio 2008 - you could try the hotfix for this issue.

Tools > options > international settings, then set the language to English solved my problem.

Not a final solution but I installed Visual Web Developer Express and then associated aspx files to %Program Files%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\VWDExpress.exe

Getting closer to the final solution. If I start a Windows session with another user, the designer works as it should, although when I go back to the first user it still doesn't work.





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