
Sorting a file with 55K rows and varying Columns

I want to find a programmatic solution using C++.

I have a 900 files each of 27MB size. (just to inform about the enormity ).

Each file has 55K rows and Varying columns. But the header indicates the columns

I want to sort the rows in an order w.r.t to a Column Value.

I wrote the sorting algorithm for this (definitely my newbie attempts, you may say). This algorithm is working for few numbers, but fails for larger numbers.

Here is the code for the same: basic functions I defined to use inside the main code:

int getNumberOfColumns(const string& aline)
 int ncols=0;
 istringstream ss(aline);
 string s1;
 while(ss>>s1) ncols++;
 return ncols;

vector<string> getWordsFromSentence(const string& aline)
 istringstream ss(aline);
 string tstr;
 while(ss>>tstr) words.push_back(tstr);
 return words;

bool findColumnName(vector<string> vs, const string& colName)
 vector<string>::iterator it = find(vs.begin(), vs.end(), colName);
 if ( it != vs.end()) 
 return true;
 else return false;

int getIndexForColumnName(vector<string> vs, const string& colName)
 if ( !findColumnName(vs,colName) ) return -1;
 else {
  vector<string>::iterator it = find(vs.begin(), vs.end(), colName);
 return it - vs.begin();

////////// I like the Recurssive functions - I tried to create a recursive function
///here. This worked for small values , say 20 rows. But for 55K - core dumps
void sort2D(vector<string>vn, vector<string> &srt, int columnIndex)
  vector<double> pVals;
 for ( int i = 0; i < vn.size(); i++) {
  vector<string>meancols = getWordsFromSentence(vn[i]);

        srt.push_back(vn[max_element(pVals.begin(), pVals.end())-pVals.begin()]);
        if (vn.size() > 1 ) {
        vn.erase(vn.begin()+(max_element(pVals.begin(), pVals.end())-pVals.begin()) );
        vector<string> vn2 = vn;
 //cout<<srt[srt.size() -1 ]<<endl;
        sort2D(vn2 , srt, columnIndex);

Now the main code:

 for ( int i = 0; i < TissueNames.size() -1; i++)
  for ( int j = i+1; j < TissueNames.size(); j++)
   //string fname = path+"/gse7307_Female_rma"+TissueNames[i]+"_"+TissueNames[j]+".txt";
   //string fname2 = sortpath2+"/gse7307_Female_rma"+TissueNames[i]+"_"+TissueNames[j]+"Sorted.txt";
   string fname = path+"/gse7307_Male_rma"+TissueNames[i]+"_"+TissueNames[j]+".txt";
   string fname2 = sortpath2+"/gse7307_Male_rma"+TissueNames[i]+"_"+TissueNames[j]+"4Columns.txt";
   BioInputStream fin(fname);
   string aline;
   replace (aline.begin(), aline.end(), '"',' ');
   string headerline = aline;
   vector<string> header = getWordsFromSentence(aline);

   int pindex = getIndexForColumnName(header,"p-raw");
   int xcindex = getIndexForColumnName(header,"xC");
   int xeindex = getIndexForColumnName(header,"xE");
   int prbindex = getIndexForColumnName(header,"X");

   string newheaderline = "X\txC\txE\tp-raw";
   BioOutputStream fsrt(fname2);

   int newpindex=3;
   while ( getline(fin, aline) ){

   replace (aline.begin(), aline.end(), '"',' ');
   istringstream ss2(aline);
   string tstr;
   tstr = ss2.str().substr(tstr.length()+1);
   vector<string> words = getWordsFromSentence(tstr);
   string values = words[prbindex]+"\t"+words[xcindex]+"\t"+words[xeindex]+"\t"+words[pindex];

   sort开发者_高级运维2D(AllLinesInFile, SortedLines,newpindex);

   for ( int si = 0; si < SortedLines.size(); si++)
   cout<<"["<<i<<","<<j<<"] = "<<SortedLines.size()<<endl;

can some one suggest me a better way of doing this? why it is failing for larger values. ?

The primary function of interest for this query is Sort2D function.

thanks for the time and patience.


I'm not sure why your code is crashing, but recursion in that case is only going to make the code less readable. I doubt it's a stack overflow, however, because you're not using much stack space in each call.

C++ already has std::sort, why not use that instead? You could do it like this:

// functor to compare 2 strings
class CompareStringByValue : public std::binary_function<string, string, bool>
    CompareStringByValue(int columnIndex) : idx_(columnIndex) {}
    bool operator()(const string& s1, const string& s2) const
        double val1 = stringToDouble(getWordsFromSentence(s1)[idx_]);
        double val2 = stringToDouble(getWordsFromSentence(s2)[idx_]);
        return val1 < val2;
    int idx_;

To then sort your lines you would call

std::sort(vn.begin(), vn.end(), CompareByStringValue(columnIndex));

Now, there is one problem. This will be slow because stringToDouble and getWordsFromSentence are called multiple times on the same string. You would probably want to generate a separate vector which has precalculated the values of each string, and then have CompareByStringValue just use that vector as a lookup table.

Another way you can do this is insert the strings into a std::multimap<double, std::string>. Just insert the entries as (value, str) and then read them out line-by-line. This is simpler but slower (though has the same big-O complexity).

EDIT: Cleaned up some incorrect code and derived from binary_function.

You could try a method that doesn't involve recursion. if your program crashes using the Sort2D function with large values, then your probably overflowing the stack (danger of using recursion with a large number of function calls). Try another sorting method, maybe using a loop.

sort2D crashes because you keep allocating an array of strings to sort and then you pass it by value, in effect using O(2*N^2) memory. If you really want to keep your recursive function, simply pass vn by reference and don't bother with vn2. And if you don't want to modify the original vn, move the body of sort2D into another function (say, sort2Drecursive) and call that from sort2D.

You might want to take another look at sort2D in general, since you are doing O(N^2) work for something that should take O(N+N*log(N)).

The problem is less your code than the tool you chose for the job. This is purely a text processing problem, so choose a tool good at that. In this case on Unix the best tool for the job is Bash and the GNU coreutils. On Windows you can use PowerShell, Python or Ruby. Python and Ruby will work on any Unix-flavoured machine too, but roughly all Unix machines have Bash and the coreutils installed.

Let $FILES hold the list of files to process, delimited by whitespace. Here's the code for Bash:

for FILE in $FILES; do
  echo "Processing file $FILE ..."
  tail --lines=+1 $FILE |sort >$FILE.tmp
  mv $FILE.tmp $FILE




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