
Why does my CSS tooltip push my other content down?

I have a CSS tooltip, with CSS3 fade in, with z-indexes set t开发者_C百科o 999. When I hover over the link, the tooltip itself pushes my other content down, it's meant to be above, not inline, although I've used a span and converted it to block..

Here is an example of what I'm going for, how can I stop it from pushing the content down?


Display:block doesn't take an element out of the page flow, it simply pushes it onto its own new line. Using position:absolute - as recommended by other posters - should work for you. Position:absolute will set a position (such as top:0px; left:20px;) to the browser window overall unless there is a parent with position:relative set (which would then become the point of reference). An example of this second type would be positioning a link exactly 30px from the right within a given content div - regardless of where that div is placed on the page.

Position:relative can be used to position an element relative to its original position in the natural page flow, and it leaves a space where the element would have been. Position:fixed can be used for elements that should not move when the page is scrolled (such as a fixed navigation bar, page branding, or footer). Position:static is the default position setting, and should be used when you need to override another position type.

If you're using a span for the tooltip text within another element - you'll likely want to set the parent element to position:relative, and set the inner span to position:absolute. You'll need to set a top and left value to adjust where exactly your tooltip text falls (ie. above or below the parent element, to the left or the right).

I hope this is helpful.

Absolute position the tooltip (set the container's position to relative and the absolute position will be relative to the container).

Did you make sure the tooltip css position value it absolute? (or at least not static).





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