
Marker on Google Map added only once

Each time I click on the map a new marker is placed on the map. The problem is that I need only one marker and if I click several times, each time a new marker is added.

How do I change the code so only one marker is placed and when the map is clicked again it changes its location?

Here is my开发者_高级运维 code so far:

function clicked(overlay, latlng) {
  var icon3 = new GIcon();
  icon3.image = "marker.png";  
  icon3.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 40);

  var marker2 = new GMarker(latlng, {  icon: icon3, draggable: true,   title: 'Drag me'  });


I would recommend keeping an instance of marker2 outside of the clicked function, then if marker2 is null, make and add a new one like you are now, otherwise call marker2.setLatLong(latlng); to update it's location.

Untested example code:

var marker2;

function clicked(overlay, latlng) {
  if (marker2 == null) {
    var icon3 = new GIcon();
    icon3.image = "marker.png";  
    icon3.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 40);

    marker2 = new GMarker(latlng, {  icon: icon3, draggable: true,   title: 'Drag me'  });
  else {

You will need to implement some sort of check to see if the marker has already been placed. One option would be to keep a list of markers already added and check that list for a marker at a specific point before calling the functions to add the marker to the map. If you need a code sample, let me know.

Well, dont bother, I figured it out myself. I just used map.clearOverlays(); before the marker is pplaced and that solved the problem.





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