
preg_replace Pattern

i'm not very firm with preg_replace - in other Words i do not really understand - so i hope you can help me.

I have a string in a Text like this one: [demo category=1] and want to replac开发者_JAVA技巧e with the Content of Category (id=1) e.g. "This is the Content of my first Category"

This is my startpoint Pattern - that's all i have: '/[demo\s*.*?]/i';

Hope you can help?

Firstly, you need to escape the square brackets as they are special characters in PCREs:


Secondly, it sounds like you want to do something with the digit at the end, so you'll want to capture it using parenthesis:


The braces will capture \d+ and store it in a reference. \d+ will match a string of numbers only.

Finally, it sounds like you need to use preg_replace_callback to perform a special function on the matches in order to get the string you want:

function replaceMyStr($matches)
    $strNum = array("1"=>"first", "2"=>"second", "3"=>"third"); // ...etc
    return "This is the Content of my ".$strNum($matches[1])." Category.";
    // $matches[1] will contain the captured number
preg_replace_callback('/\[demo\s*.*?=(\d+)\]/i', "replaceMyStr", "[demo category=1]");

further to the above answers, you have 2 ways to do the actual replacing. assuming you have 10 category names you want to replace, you can either do something like

for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_category; $i++) {
 $category_name = get_category_name($i);
 $s = preg_replace("/\[demo\s+category=(\d+)\]/i", $category_name, $s);


$s = preg_replace_callback("/\[demo\s+category=(\d+)\]/i", "get_category_name", $s);

in both cases, get_category_name($id) is a function that will get a category name for an id. you should test both options to evaluate which is faster for your uses.

The pattern is going to be like this


(you need to escape brackets because they're special)

The [ and ] characters have special meaning (they denote character classes - ranges and collections of character). You need to escape [ as \[ (and evidently in PHP, unlike other regex flavors, you also need to escape ]). Also I suggest you make use of the character class [^]] = match any character that is not a ]


should work better.

Edit: If you want to extract the name and number, then you can use





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取 消

