
Good places to share and showcase software on the web?

Quite simply: is there a place such as DeviantArt, but purely for the purpose of sharing software (and source if preferred)? I'm aware that DA has plenty of software, but only related to customisations and UI hacks.

I recent开发者_Go百科ly came across some really useful apps I had made from way back and besides posting it on an online code hosting site or a personal portfolio that no one will ever find, is there some more community-ish places on the internet I've missed out on where coding mercenaries share and show off?

I personally host small snippets on my website, larger projects on Google Code, and use Ohloh to link them "socially" - this is for open-source projects, of course. Perhaps Ohloh is what you're looking for.

If your applications are fairly large-scale and useful, consider adding them to SourceForge.net. Otherwise, for tiny stuff, personal websites seem to be the way to go. Create a page for you applications, along with some well-documented descriptions and keywords. If your applications are indeed unique enough, that should get you plenty of exposure through Google and other search engines.

Good luck!

You could always try proggit, I often see people push out their programs on it.





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