
How to do an additional search on archive in rails if record not found, by extending model?

I was wondering if somebody knows an elegant solution to the following:

Suppose I have a table that holds orders, with a bunch of data. So I'm at 1M records, and searches begin to take time. So I want to speed it up by archiving some data that is more than 3 years old - saving it into a table called orders-archive, and then purging them from the orders table. So if we need to research something or customer wants 开发者_开发问答to pull older information - they still can, but 99% of the lookups are done on the orders no older than a year and a half - so there is no reason to keep looking through older data all the time. These move & purge operations can be then croned to be done on a weekly basis. I already did some tests and I know that I will slash my search times by about 4 times. So far so good, right?

However I was thinking about how to implement older archival lookups and the only reasonable thing I can think of is some sort of if-else If not found in orders, do a search in orders-archive. However - I have about 20 tables that I want to archive and god knows how many searches / finds are done through out the code, that I don't want to modify. So I was wondering if there is an elegant rails-way solution to this problem, by extending a model somehow? Has anyone dealt with similar case before?

Thank you.

MySQL 5.x can handle this natively using Horizontal Partitioning.

The basic idea behind partitioning is that you tell the database to store records in a certain range in a separate file. You can still query against all the records, but as long as you're querying only current records, the database engine won't be encumbered with all of the archived records.

You can use the order_date column or something similar as the cutoff for your partitions. This is the elegant solution.

Overview of Partitioning in MySQL

Otherwise, your if/else idea with dynamically generated queries seems about right. You can add year numbers after the archival tables and use reflection to build a list of tables, then have at it.





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