Can Spring.Net function as PostSharp?
A few months back I've discovered PostSharp, and for a time, it was good.
But then legal came back with an answer saying that they don't like the licence of the old versions. Then the department told me that 2.0's price was unacceptably high (for the number of seats we need)... I was extremely disapponted, but not disheartened. Can't be the only such framework, I thought.
I kept looking for a replacement, but most of it was either dead, ill maintained (especially in documentation department), for academic use, or all of the above (I'm looking at you Aspect.Net)
Then I've discovered Spring.Net, and for a time, it was good.
I've been reading the documentation and it went on to paint what seemed to be a supperior picture of an AOP nirvana. No longer was I locked to attributes to mark where I wanted code interception to take place, but it could be configured in XML and changes to it didn't require re-compile. Great.
Then I looked at the samples and saw the following, in every single usage scenario:
// Create AOP proxy using Spring.NET IoC container.
IApplicationContext ctx = ContextRegistry.GetContext();
ICommand command = (ICommand)ctx["myServiceCommand"];
if (command.IsUndoCapable)
开发者_StackOverflow中文版 command.UnExecute();
Why must the first two lines of code exist? It ruins everything. This means I cannot simply provide a user with a set of aspects and attributes or XML configs that they can use by sticking appropriate attributes on the appropriate methods/classes/etc or editing the match pattern in XML. They have to modify their program logic to make this work!
Is there a way to make Spring.Net behave as PostSharp in this case? (i.e. user only needs to add attributes/XML config, not edit content of any methods.
Alternatively, is there a worthy and functioning alternative to PostSharp? I've seen a few question titled like this on SO, but none of them were actually looking to replace PostSharp, they only wanted to supplement its functionality. I need full replacement.
In short, yes, Spring.Net AOP can work in the way you describe using XML-based configuration: you do not have to use those initial two lines of code, in fact code-based configuration is discouraged. You can configure Spring.Net AOP using XML-based configuration only and this is in fact the recommended approach.
There are several steps to this:
- Create your advices: BeforeAdvice, AroundAdvice, AfterReturningAdvice and ThrowsAdvice are the types of advice supported. AroundAdvice uses the AOPAlliance interface, the others use the Spring.AOP interfaces.
- Define your pointcuts
- Apply the pointcuts and advice
Example configuration (generalized from a live configuration):
<!-- START Spring.Net AOP -->
<object id="beforeAdvice" type="MyBeforeAdvice, MyAOP"></object>
<object id="beforeAdvisor" type="Spring.Aop.Support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor, Spring.Aop">
<property name="Advice" ref="beforeAdvice" />
<object id="returnsAdvice" type="MyAfterReturningAdvice, MyAOP"></object>
<object id="returnsAdvisor" type="Spring.Aop.Support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor, Spring.Aop">
<property name="Advice" ref="returnsAdvice" />
<object id="throwsAdvice" type="MyThrowsAdvice, MyAOP"></object>
<object id="throwsAdvisor" type="Spring.Aop.Support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor, Spring.Aop">
<property name="Advice" ref="throwsAdvice" />
<!-- Advise objects -->
<object type="Spring.Aop.Framework.AutoProxy.ObjectNameAutoProxyCreator, Spring.Aop">
<property name="ObjectNames">
<property name="InterceptorNames">
<!-- END Spring.Net AOP -->
Weaving is performed at runtime and is pretty fast and unintrusive.
Hope this is of use,
I think you're looking for the lookup-method injection feature.
You have loaded the Spring.NET application context somewhere at the start. The code-based dependency on Spring.NET there is minimal. The problem is that everywhere you need an (adviced) service, you explicitly depend on Spring.NET with ContextRegistry.GetContext()..
You can work around that with method replacement using lookup-method, example:
Create an AbstractCommandFactory:
namespace MyNamespace {
public abstract class AbstractCommandFactory : ICommandFactory {
public abstract ICommand getMyCommand();
Using Spring.NET you can getMyCommand return a Spring.NET object:
<object id="commandfactory"
type="MyNamespace.AbstractCommandFactory, MyAssembly">
<lookup-method name="getMyCommand" object="commands.mycommand" />
<object id="commands.mycommand"
type=MyNamespace.MyCommandImplementation, MyAssembly" />
Now when you initialize the Spring.NET Application Context, load this command factory and pass the reference along. When you need an instance of MyCommandImplementation, you just request one from the factory instance:
public void doSomeWork() {
// factory is an ICommandFactory
// instantiated earlier using the explicit context.getObject("commandfactory")
ICommand myCommand = this.factory.getMyCommand();
Now your explicit dependency on Spring.NET is very minimal: only at the initial load + instantiation of your factories. The rest of your code stays clean.
Bonus points: you can more easily create ICommandFactory/ICommand mocks to unit-test your code.