
Why is XmlSerializer throwing an InvalidOperationException?

    public void Save() {
          XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DatabaseInformation));
          A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
          A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
          A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Xml.dll

          // ....

This is the whole class if you need it:

public class DatabaseInformation
    /* Create new database */
    public DatabaseInformation(string name) {
        mName = name;
        NeedsSaving = true;
        mFieldsInfo = new List<DatabaseField>();

    /* Read from file *开发者_运维技巧/
    public static DatabaseInformation DeserializeFromFile(string xml_file_path)
    XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DatabaseInformation));
        TextReader r = new StreamReader(xml_file_path);
        DatabaseInformation ret = (DatabaseInformation)Serializer.Deserialize(r);
        ret.NeedsSaving = false;
        return ret;

    /* Save */
    public void Save() {
    XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DatabaseInformation));
        if (!mNeedsSaving)

        TextWriter w = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Program.MainView.CommonDirectory.Get(), Name + ".xml"), false);
        Serializer.Serialize(w, this);
        NeedsSaving = false;

    private string mName;
    public string Name { get { return mName; } }

    private bool mNeedsSaving;
    public bool NeedsSaving { get { return mNeedsSaving; } set { mNeedsSaving = value; Program.MainView.UpdateTitle(value); } }

    private bool mHasId;
    public bool HasId { get { return mHasId; } }

    List<DatabaseField> mFieldsInfo;

(PS: if you have any tips to improve my code feel free to share, I'm a C# beginner)

To serialize/deserialize your type it needs to have parameterless constructor. Check out here :

A class must have a default constructor to be serialized by XmlSerializer.

oh.. I didn't know it had additional information (had to click "View detail.."), mystery solved:

Message=SDB.DatabaseInformation cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor.

I was also getting this exception, but it wasn't due to missing a default constructor. I had some extra properties (a List and Dictionary) which aren't part of the XML document.

Decorating those properties with [XmlIgnore] solved the problem for me.

You can get around this by providing a default constructor that calls the overloaded constructor. For example:

public DatabaseInformation() : this ("defaultName"){}




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