Hello World fails with "Error: Could not resolve <s:Application> to a component implementation"
I'm just starting with Adobe Flex on linux, and can't get the hello world example to work.
My application.mxml file is simply
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<s:Panel title="My Application">
<s:Label text="Hello World" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="24"/>
I followed this guide to install Flex on linux (OpenSUSE 11.2), unzipping into /opt/flex.
And yet I get this error upon compiling:
/opt/flex> mxmlc -show-actionscript-warnings=true --strict=true /path/to/application.mxml
Loading configuration file /opt/flex/frameworks/flex-config.xml
/path/to/application.mxml(5): Error: Could not resolve <s:Application> to a component implementation.
I've gone through /opt/flex/frameworks/flex-config.xml and added ${flexlib}
to all the path references as the post suggested. But still no luck.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Which version of the SDK are you using? s:Application
and other spark components were introduced in Flex 4 so this example will not work with Flex 3 sdk.