
Different information domains in DB

I have a database for my personal site and at the momen开发者_如何学Got it is storing different domains of information (Eg cv, CMS schema, and more, all in one DB).

I have noticed that sets of tables (eg all for one domain) have no relationship to other groups of tables as they are completely unrelated. What implication does this have on database design? I can assume this is a time I need to think about having >1 DB.

If you have hosting that allows for plenty of DBs, use plenty of DBs.

I was "frugal" with my DB usage (I had a bunch of tables from unrelated packages in a single DB). Then I started running into performance issues (I was on a shared server, and the DBs were hosted elsewhere). I had to split them up, which took some time.

I still have a lot of unused DBs on my hosting package and my projects are far easier to maintain, and they behave better, too.

Re-using a DB like this is a bit like compressing 100 MB of e-mail when you have a 1 TB drive. If you have room for more DBs, use them.





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