
Other SecurityManager implementations available?

Is there any other implementation (e.g. in an OSS project) of a Java SecurityManager available which has more features than the one in the JDK?

I'm looking for features like

  • configurable at runtime
  • policies updateable at runtime, read from other data sources than a security.policy file
  • Thread-aware, e.g. different policies per Thread
  • Higher-level policies, e.g. "Disable network functions, but allow JDBC traffic"
  • Common predefined policies, e.g. "Allow read-access to usual system properties like file.encoding or line.separator, but disallow read-access to user.home"
  • Monitoring and audit trace logging, e.g. "Log all file access, log all network access going NOT to knownhost.example.org"
  • Blocking jobs "requesting" a permission until an administrator grants permission, letting the thread/job continue
  • ...

I'm pretty sure that application servers (at least the commercial ones) have the开发者_Go百科ir own SecurityManager implementation or at least their own policy configuration. I'm wondering if there is any free project with similar requirements.

  • Dynamic ProtectionDomains (introduced in 1.4 IIRC), delegate to the modifiable Policy.
  • Determining permissions by thread is, erm, tricky. The applet security managaer does it by ThreadGroup, which is generally considered a bad thing.
  • You can allow connections to specific ports. Similarly you can have a privileged JDBC driver that perhaps proxies onto another driver asserting particular privileges through AccessController.doPrivileged.
  • Permissions for system properties can be specified for each individual key.
  • AccessController in the Sun/Oracle implementation does have tracing features.
  • Applets/WebStart will show a dialog on, for instance, printing. But the JNLP services approach is much better.

"Glossitope" attempted to have a system that sprung up a dialog box every time a permission was requested. Of course, the request makes no sense to the user that just wants to see the dancing pigs. (Glossitope was an attempt at a Java version of the Vista side panel thing. The features added to 6u10 (drag-and-drop install, non-rectangular windows, warning icon instead of banner, JNLP services) make it mostly redundant.)

I'm not aware of a standalone SecurityManager project. Any application server (JBoss, Glassfish) will contain one to control what a loaded application can do.

Here are some links I found on the subject of rolling your own:

  • Writing a Security Manager
  • Java2s SecurityManager examples
  • Java World: Java Tip 20 - a bit old, but a interesting (ab)use of a SM




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