
Automatic line break in WPF label

Is it possible for a WPF Label to split itself automatically into several lines? In my following example, the text is cropped at the right.

<Window x:Class="..." xmlns="..." xmlns:x="..." Height="300" Width="300">
            `_Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
            all mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe.

Am I doing something wrong?

Taking other controls is unfortunately not a good option, since I need support of acces开发者_如何转开发s keys.

Replacing the Label with a TextBlock (having TextWrapping="Wrap"), and adjusting its control template to recognize access keys would be perhaps a solution, but isn't it an overkill?

Edit: having a non-standard style for label will break skinning, so I would like to avoid it, if possible.

Using both Label and TextBlock together seems to be the correct answer. There's a howto located here that demonstrates this exact issue.

Specifically, in their example, to get wrapping text and an access key:

<Label Width="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
       Target="{Binding ElementName=textBox1}">
  <AccessText TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow">
    _Another long piece of text that requires text wrapping
    goes here.




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