
Design: Website calling a webservice on the same machine

More of a design/conceptual question.

At work the decision was made to have our data access layer be called through webservices. So our website would call the webservices for any/all data to and from the database. Both the website & the webservices will be on the same machine(so no trip across the wire), but the database is on a separate machine(so that would require a trip across the wire regardless). This is all in-house, the website, webservice, and database are all within the same company(AFAIK, the webservices won't be reused by another other party).

To the best of my knowledge: the website will open a port to the webservices, and the webservices will in turn open another port and go across the wire to the database server to get/submit the data. The trip across the wire can't be avoided, but I'm concerned about the webservices standing in the middle.

I do agree there needs to be distinct layers between the functionality(such as business layer, data access layer, etc...), but this seems overly complex to me. I'm also sensing there will be some performance problems down the line.

Seems to me it would be better to have the (DAL)assemblies referenced directly within the solution, thus negating the first port to port connection.

Any thoughts(or links) both for and against this idea would be appreciated

P.S. We're a .NET shop(migrating from vb to C# 3.5)

Edit/Update Marked Dathan as answer, I'm still not completely sold(I'm still kind of on the fence, though leaning it may not be as bad as I开发者_如何学Go feared), he provided a well thought out answer. I appreciated all the feedback.

Both designs (app to web service to db; app to db via DAL) are pretty standard. Web services are often used when interfacing with clients to standardize the semantics of data access. The web service is usually able to more accurately represent the semantics of your data model than the underlying persistence store, and thus helps the maintainability of the system by abstracting and encapsulating IO-specific concerns. Web services also serve the additional purpose of providing a public interface (though "public" may still mean internal to your company) to your data via a protocol that's commonly accessible across firewalls. When using a DAL to connect directly to the DB, it's possible to encapsulate the data IO concerns in a similar way, but ultimately your client has to have direct access to the database. By restricting IO to well-defined semantics (usually CRUD+Query), you add an additional layer of security. This isn't such a big deal for you, since you're running a web app, though - all DB access is already done from trusted code. The web service does provide an increase in robustness against SQL injection, though.

All web service justifications aside, the real questions are:

How much will it be used? The website/web service/database format does impose slightly higher overhead on the web server - if the website gets hammered, you want to consider long and hard before putting another service on the same machine. Otherwise, the added small inefficiency is probably not a big deal. On the other hand, if the site is getting hammered, you probably want to scale horizontally anyway, and you should be able to scale the web service at the same time.

How much to you gain? One of the big reasons for having a web service is to provide data accessibility to client code - particularly when multiple possible application versions need to be supported. Since your web app is the only client to use the web service, this isn't a concern - it's probably actually less effort to version the app by itself.

Are you looking to expand? You say it probably won't ever be used by any client other than the single web app, but these things have a way of gaining in size. If there's any chance your web app might grow in scope or popularity, consider the web service. By designing around a web service, you're already targeting a modular, multi-host solution, so your app will probably scale with fewer growing pains.

In case you couldn't guess, I'm a web service fan. But the above are also my honest (if somewhat biased) opinions on the subject. If you do go the web service route, be sure to make it simple - keep application logic in the app and service logic in the service, and try to draw a bright line between them when extending the two. And do design your service for efficiency and configure the hosting to keep it running as smoothly as possible.

This is a questionable design, but your shop isn't the only one using it.

Since you're using .NET 3.5 and running on the same machine, you should use WCF with the netNamedPipesBinding, which uses binary data transfer over named pipes, only on the same machine. That should mitigate the performance issue somewhat.

I like the idea because it gives you flexibility. We use a very similar approach because we can have more than 1 type of database storing our data (MSSQL or Oracle) depending on our customer install choices.

It also gives customers the ability to hook into our database if they choose not to use our front end web site. As a result we get an open API for little to no extra effort.

If speed is your most critical issue than you have to lessen your layers. However in most cases the time it takes for your web Service to process the request from the database does not add allot of time. (This is assuming you do your Web Service Layer Correctly, you can easily make it slow if you don't watch it.)





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