problem with printf() function
i have the variable $a = 5; i want to show it in binary form, with length, equal 8, with writing * at white spaces, just like this, like this * * * * *101
here the script
$number = 5;
printf("%*8b", $number);
it doesn't work with *, but if "0"-s it works
printf("%08b", $number);
//returns 0000开发者_开发知识库0101
why it doesn't work with *?
and how can i apply the floating option too? like
`printf("%.4f", $number);`
//it returns 5.0000, but i want to return *****101.0000
An optional padding specifier that says what character will be used for padding the results to the right string size. This may be a space character or a 0 (zero character). The default is to pad with spaces. An alternate padding character can be specified by prefixing it with a single quote ('). See the examples below.
So, use
printf("%'*8b", $number);
for float try
printf("%'*.4f", $number);
and if you want some more complicated cases, just read