
save plot into image file in matlab: difference between saveas and print

I wonder when saving plot into image file in mat开发者_高级运维lab, what is the difference between saveas and print? In what cases both can be used and in what cases only one can be used?

Thanks and regards!

I believe SAVEAS is just a wrapper for PRINT. Look at the source code for SAVEAS (edit saveas) - a lot of argument checks and only one print line at the end. Both function supports the same formats. SAVEAS has a little easier syntax.

From the SAVEAS remarks: "If you want to control the size or resolution of figures saved in image (bitmapped) formats (such as BMP or JPG), use the print command."

Print is a lot more flexible in other ways as well. Look at the doc page for print - you can copy to the clipboard (e.g. with "print -dmeta") as well as, of course, printing to a printer.

use hgexport instead, as follows:

hgexport(gcf, 'figure1.jpg', hgexport('factorystyle'), 'Format', 'jpeg');

source: http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/en/data/1-1PT49C/index.html?product=SL&solution=1-1PT49C





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