
Attach to Property's setter

I haven't found similiar post so I'm asking this.

Let's say I defined somewhere an application wide available static Property (I mean it's not local) and in one class I would like to know when this property is being changed. Apart from aop (transparentproxy etc.) which I think doesn't suit me well here (and I can't add that to project anyway), what are the options here?

One solution I can think of, which is probably a very nasty one, is to use some event that would be executed in the setter and just attach it in the class(es) which needs that. Something like:

   public static event EventHandler CurrentNumberChanged= delegate {};
   public static int CurrentNumber
  开发者_如何学Go          return currentNumber;
            currentNumber = value;

            CurrentNumberChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty);

I know it's really unsafe to use such events ( read here ). And since I would use it in asp.net makes it even more ugly. Do you have any advices ?

You could use a variation on the Observer pattern to the same effect. Not sure what your threading requirements are, and I suspect this suffers from similar dereferencing problems as How to raise custom event from a Static Class (although would have to play with the code a bit more to bottom that out):

using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ClassLibrary1 { public class StaticObservable { private static int currentNumber;

    private static readonly List<IObserver> observers = new List<IObserver>();

    public static int CurrentNumber
        get{return currentNumber;}
            currentNumber = value;
            foreach (var observer in observers)

    public static void Attach(IObserver observer)

    public static void Detach(IObserver observer)

public interface IObserver
    void NotifyChange();

public class ObserverImpl : IObserver
    public void NotifyChange()
        Console.Out.WriteLine("Number has changed");

public class AppWrapper
    public static void Main (string[] args)

        var observerImpl1 = new ObserverImpl();
        var observerImpl2 = new ObserverImpl();


        StaticObservable.CurrentNumber = 1;



The answer you mentioned just said that if you forget to unsubscribe some instace from a static event then this instance will live forever.

EventHandler is a bit too much I think, why not just create some boolean flag with a setter in the class that needs to receive the message, and whenever CurrentNumber's setter is triggered, call the setter of that boolean flag.
I'd like to be a little more descriptive here, but the data is not sufficient to suggest actual code.





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