Why is graphviz drawing two arrows, and using a weird order?
Why is graphviz drawing two arrows from uncap_spike to peel, and why is it drawing peel to the right of hang?
I want uncap_spike -> peel -> hang -> spike, in that order, with one edge between each.
alt text http://grab.by/33kA
digraph hangers {
fontname="Gill Sans"
node [fontname="Gill Sans" shape=box fillcolor=white style="rounded, filled"]
edge [fontname="Gill Sans"]
subgraph cluster_prep {
gather [shape=Mrecord label="{gather | EtOH swab\nvented tubing}"]
uncap_bottle [label="uncap bottle"]
uncap_spike [label="uncap spike"]
swab [shape=Mrecord label="{swab EtOH | wait 30 seconds for sterility}"]
gather -> uncap_bottle -> swab -> uncap_spike
{rank=same gather uncap_bottle swab uncap_spike}
subgraph cluster_hang {
{rank=same peel hang}
{rank=same uncap_spike -> peel -&开发者_JAVA技巧gt; hang -> spike -> prime}
hang -> rip [color=firebrick]
rip [label="eyelet\nripped" style="filled" shape=octagon regular fontcolor=white
fontsize=10 width=.5 fixedsize color=firebrick fillcolor=firebrick ]
swab -> not_sterile [color=firebrick]
not_sterile [label="not\nsterile" style="filled" shape=octagon regular fontcolor=white
fontsize=10 width=.5 fixedsize color=firebrick fillcolor=firebrick ]
I think that the rank=same might be confusing. Are you using it to keep everything horizontally? In that case there is an attribute (rankdir?) that you can apply to the entire graph instead.