
how would you sort n sorted lists with average length K in O(n*log K) time?

how would you sort n sorted lists with average length K in O(n*log K) ti开发者_如何学Gome?

As mentioned in the comments to your question, the O(nlog(k)) is not possible, but here are a couple of algorithms on this page that accomplish your task efficiently; here is one:

Take the first element of each list and create a heap (of size k). Pop the smallest element. Find the array from the element came (let's say it came from list number i). Take the next element from list i and push it in heap. For each element that go in the merged list, we spent log(k) time. So the time complexity is O(N*logk) where N is total number of the elements in all the K lists.

-written by: Abhishek Goyal

Merge sort is the key. Lets suppose N is the total number of elements to be united and K the number of containers containing them:

  • You append all the sorted sequences in a single vector but remembering where you appended them. Better is if you append them sorted by the value of their first element, would speed up next passage.

  • Then you merge in place pairs of sorted sequences (std::inplace_merge if you use C++). Every merge is Na + Nb so every step is N. You have to perform logK steps.

Hence NlogK.

I believe it is possible to achieve O(N*log(K)), but not in the worst case.

Consider sorting these lists:


My human brain can easily sort those lists without reading every value, so there should be an algorithm that can do the same. We need to merge while using a modified binary search to look for ranges of values.

In the worst case, you get O(N*K), because every value must be compared. Example:


Here is my solution in Go, which I would only use if I knew the sorted lists usually have overlap regions that are small relative to K:

// variation of binary search that finds largest
// value up to and including max
func findNext(a []int, imin int, vmax int) int {
    imax := len(a) - 1
    best := -1
    for imin <= imax {
        imid := imin + ((imax - imin) / 2)
        if a[imid] == vmax {
            return imid
        } else if a[imid] < vmax {
            best = imid
            imin = imid + 1
        } else {
            imax = imid - 1
    return best

func sortNSortedLists(in [][]int) []int {
    var out []int
    cursors := make([]int, len(in))
    for {
        // Find the array indices that have the smallest
        // and next to smallest value (may be same) at
        // their current cursor.
        minIdx1 := -1
        minIdx2 := -1
        minVal1 := math.MaxInt32
        minVal2 := math.MaxInt32
        for i, cursor := range cursors {
            if cursor >= len(in[i]) {
            if in[i][cursor] < minVal1 {
                minIdx2 = minIdx1
                minVal2 = minVal1
                minIdx1 = i
                minVal1 = in[i][cursor]
            } else if in[i][cursor] < minVal2 {
                minIdx2 = i
                minVal2 = in[i][cursor]
        if minIdx1 == -1 {
            // no values
        if minIdx2 == -1 {
            // only one array has values, so append the
            // remainder of it to output
            out = append(out, in[minIdx1][cursors[minIdx1]:]...)

        // If inVal1 is smaller than inVal2,
        // append to output all values from minVal1 to minVal2 found in
        // the minIdx1 array, and update the cursor for the minIdx1 array.
        if minVal1 < minVal2 {
            firstCursor := cursors[minIdx1]
            lastCursor := findNext(in[minIdx1], firstCursor, minVal2)
            if lastCursor != -1 {
                out = append(out, in[minIdx1][firstCursor:lastCursor+1]...)
                cursors[minIdx1] = lastCursor+1
        // Append the single value to output
        out = append(out, minVal1)
    return out

You can adapt merge sort to do the job. Merge sort takes advantage of the ease of merging already sorted lists into a new sorted list.





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