
Where can I find the transaction protocol used by Automated Teller Machines?

I'm doing a grad-school software engineering project and I'm looking for the protocol that governs communications between ATMs and bank networks.

I've been googling for quite a while now, and though I'm finding all sorts of interesting information about ATMs, I'm surprised to find that there seems to be no industry standard for high-level communications.

I'm not talking about 3DES or low-level transmission protocols, but something along the lines of an Interface Control Document; something that governs the sequence of events for various transactions: verify credentials, withdrawal, check balance, e开发者_Go百科tc.

Any ideas? Does anything like this even exist?

I can't believe that after all this time the banks and ATM manufacturers are still just making this up as they go.

A shorter question: if I wanted to go into the ATM software manufacturing business, where would I start looking for standards?

Well, there are lots of interbank networks. I would guess that each of them communicate differently. The stickers on the ATM (Cirrus, STAR, Pulse, etc...) identify which network the machine participates in. I do believe, though, that the "structure" of the message is dictated by an ISO standard. Cirrus is a Mastercard owned network and PLUS is a Visa owned network... I'd scour their sites to see if they publish any API details.

Edit, by request:

Have a look at the following ISOs 15022, 20022, 9362 and 4217 -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Financial_routing_standards

ISO 8583 is dominant.

Also, take a look at EMV.

The ATM to bank link can be proprietary or standard. It is only upstream where inter-organisation wire level interoperability is needed, that standards become always necessary.

ISO 15022 definitely doesn't cover ATM to bank. So far, it covers further upstream. And is now superseded by ISO 20022 - "originally named ISO 15022 2nd edition".

ISO 20022 covers the total scope of financial services, and acts as a super forum for ISO financial services protocols.

There are two basic protocols, ISO8563 and IFX (a financial XML subset) but many banks us protocols supplied by the vendor, because these include Device driver protocols that drive the ATM 'States', There is also a reporting protocol where the ATM reports its cash and usage statii.





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