
Get Windows Last Reboot Timestamp?

I have a PC on remote connected by network, but it occasionally crashes or is restarted by remote users. After the restart, some services and applications have to be in running status. So I would like to find out the reboot as soon as possible. I think PS may be a good choice with so开发者_如何学Pythonme scripts so that I could make remote call to get the last reboot timestamp information.

Is there any way to get a remote Windows XP last reboot timestamp by using PowerShell 2.0(its remoting feature)?

You can do this via WMI:

$wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Computer "RemoteMachine"

For a remote computer:

$wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Computer RemoteComputerName

The uptime of the computer in seconds is available in the "System Up Time" performance counter. Though that's probably overkill.

Obviously, for services the easiest thing is to just set their start mode to "Automatic" but if you have other things that need to be running, the easiest way to do that is via the Windows task scheduler: you can set up a schedule that runs when the computer starts up.

FYI, if you are on the PowerShell Community Extensions 2.0 Beta, you can use Get-Uptime e.g.:

PS> Get-Uptime

Uptime                                LastBootUpTime
------                                --------------
00:44:01.4401754                      3/21/2010 12:07:17 AM




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