
Unidentifiable Vim Keymap

I'm trying to get rid of a pesky keymapping in vim, namely


The mapping is only loaded for latex files, so it should be related to the latex-suite. It's annoying, because it can't type \cite without this keymap ruining everything. I can unmap it "manually" by typing:

:unmap! \c

But this doesn't work when I put that into my ~/.vimrc file because it says there's no such keymap. I think this is because the keymap is loaded after .vimrc, although I'm not sure.

I've tried locate in bash to locate all files on my system that start have "vim" in their filename, and subsequently grep keyword $filename to find all references to keyword that should be relevant.

The keyword I search for is "Traditional" because that's what the mapping is called (that's what I find by typing :map! in vim normal mode). It finds some entries that contain "Traditional" but nothing that corresponds to \c, except in the file:


B开发者_StackOverflow中文版ut this file is not used by vim when starting up, as far as I know.

Anyone know any fix?

Try :verbose map \c. That will tell you what file the map was defined in.

Randy Morris:

:verbose map \c

Thanks. This is exactly a command that I could have used. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find it via google.

Anyways using it yields the following:

v  \c            <Plug>VisualTraditionalj
    Last set from ~/.vim/plugin/EnhancedCommentify.vim
n  \c            <Plug>Traditionalj
    Last set from ~/.vim/plugin/EnhancedCommentify.vim  

Which is also some of the entries I found by my long method of locate and grep $keyword.

But when I search the file (EnhancedCommentify.vim)for those mappings, i.e. search for "Traditionalj" or "\c" I don't get any hits. Nor can I identify anything else that should correspond to those mapping in the file.





验证码 换一张
取 消

