jQuery addClass on $.post
I am basically trying to create a small registration form. If the username is already taken, I want to add the 'red' class, if not then 'green'.
The PHP here works fine, and returns either a "YES" or "NO" to determine whether it's ok.
The CSS:
input {
border:1px solid #ccc;
.red {
border:1px solid #c00;
.green {
border:1px solid green;
The Javascript I'm using is:
$("#username").change(function() {
var value = $("#username").val();
if(value!= '') {
$.post("check.php", {
value: value
}, function(data){
if(data=='YES') {
} if(data=='NO') {
I've got the document.ready stuff too... It all works fine because the #test div html changes to either "YES" or "NO", apart from the last part where I check what the value of the data is. Here is the php:
if ($value!="") {
$sql="select * FROM users WHERE usernam开发者_如何学JAVAe='".$value."'";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Could not match data because ".mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($query);
if ($num_rows > 0) {
echo "NO";
} else {
echo "YES";
try this one
$("#username").attr('style','').attr('style', 'border:1px solid green;background:#afdfaf;');
$("#username").attr('style','').attr('style', 'border:1px solid #c00;');
let me know if it works.
@Jimmy - The class change just doesn't happen.
@Gaurav - Using your code, the border changes but it's always set to red, whether the data is "YES" or "NO".
It must be something with checking the data? But I don't see how...
Here's a basic example of how I think you should implement your feature. The code is pretty much self-explanatory, but feel free to ask if anything's unclear.
function readArray( $arr, $key, $default ='' ) { return isset($arr[$key]) ? $arr[$key] : $default ; }
function error( $message ){ echo "{ result: false, message: \"$message\" }"; exit; }
function success( $isFound ){ echo "{ result: true, exists: " . ($isFound?'true':'false') . "}" ; exit; }
if( sizeof( $_POST ) ) {
$value = readArray( $_POST, "value", false ) ;
if( false === $value ) error( "Empty username" ) ;
@$db = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") ;
if( !$db ) error( "Can't connect to database" ) ;
@$result = mysql_select_db( "mysql" ) ;
if( !$result ) error( "Can't select database" ) ;
$query = "SELECT COUNT(User) as count FROM user WHERE User='" . mysql_real_escape_string( $value ) . "'";
@$result = mysql_query( $query ) ;
if( !$result ) error( "Can't execute query: " . mysql_error() ) ;
success( readArray( mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ), "count" ) > 0 ) ;
<script src="jquery.js" />
input {
border:1px solid #ccc;
input.red {
border:1px solid #c00;
input.green {
border:1px solid #0c0;
var updateStyle = function() {
var value = $("#username").val() ;
if( !value ) return ;
$.post("", {
value: value
}, function(data){
var obj = eval( "(" + data + ")" ) ;
if( obj.result ) {
if( obj.exists ) {
$("#test").html( "User already exists" ) ;
} else {
$("#test").html( "Username available" ) ;
} else {
$("#test").html( obj.message ) ;
var timeout ;
$("#username").keydown(function() {
$("#test").html("") ;
$("#username").attr("class", "") ;
clearTimeout( timeout ) ;
timeout = setTimeout( updateStyle, 500 ) ;
<input id="username" name="username" value="" />
<div id="test"></div>