
Future of Asp.Net Dynamic Data

Can anyone tell me what the future is for asp.net dynamic data? It seems like it is being put aside in favor 开发者_如何学运维of MVC. Is it worth investing time in dynamic data applications?

Without branding, Dynamic Data applications can be created in minutes. It for your RAD webform developer who doesn't care about the UI layer. This would work well for just about intranet scenario. However, the MVC lineage is geared toward very different scenarios.

The Asp.net dynamic data entities web application compounds several layers into one. I know that Object Relational Mapping (ORM) is supposedly the future but when layers are not exposed, it can cause serious optimisation issues as well as making testing almost impossible. This is the case with both the ADO.NET Entity Framework (EF) model and the LINQ to SQL model. These are the only out of the box model providers availabe to Asp.net dynamic data entities web application. These do not work well, if at all with Microsoft Access.

However, when there is little time to architect a proper solution, Microsoft are ingenious when it comes to dirty ways to write applications. The dynamic data entities web is one such technology to add to their bow. You might be prepared to architect a Sql Server database roughly because you anticipate having to make changes to it later. If you want a quick know around website that you want to rip out later when you have more time Asp.net dynamic data entities web applications are for you? EF goes as far as foreign keys to definite relationships.

Looks like it will die on the vine to me.

Reference to my work before, asp.net dynamic data help me build a "quick + easy" data edit grid to user. I can customize the grid, configure to display what data to users.

But actually, aims of asp.net dynamic data is not purpose to do this.

On ASP.NET MVC 3.0, webgrid can generate by strong-type model with List or EF4.0 edmx ,it can do similar with asp.net dynamic data, so in my opinion, asp.net dynamic data has no future.





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