
Windows Mobile: "My network card connects to" registry settings

Can anybody please tell me the registry setting(s) that are affected in Windows Mobile 6.1 when a user selects Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Wi-Fi and then changes the value of the "My network card connects to" drop down list on the "Network Adapters" ta开发者_JAVA技巧b?

I have a device that seems to default this to "The Internet" when in fact the Wi-Fi connects to the corporate network and I would like to be able to change this programatically rather than expecting 250+ users to have to do it manually every time they reboot their devices.


I'm not certain that it is a registry change, but if it is, it's easy to determine.

  1. Use the remote registry editor and attach to the device
  2. Save the entire registry to a file
  3. Change the network settings
  4. Save the registry again
  5. Use your favorite diff program to compare the two files

I think you should be able to change this setting using provisioning xml, either via DMProcessConfigXML api, or by making a setup cpf with the xml in it and running it on the device. This post details how to build the xml into a cpf.

The CSP you would be interested in is the Wifi CSP

The 'Work Network' and 'The Internet' are metanetworks that are specified in the xml by guid, usually in the DestId parm. My answer to this question details the xml you can use to pass to DMProcessConfigXML to read the settings on the device to see what they are. Then you can build some xml to just set the right setting. I suspect that you would just need to set the DestId parm of the appropriate wifi entry to the 'Work Network' guid.

According to my registry comparison on WM5 (HTC Touch HD), corroborated by values in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb737539%28v=MSDN.10%29.aspx, this setting is specified in the registry key:


"{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}"    (default) The Internet
"{A1182988-0D73-439e-87AD-2A5B369F808B}"    Work

I also tried a CE2003 device (Motorola MC50), but couldn’t detect any registry changes. The key above does not exist in the registry on this device.





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