
Licensing scripts [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.

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I've had my first nightmare client recently who was messing me around with payment for a project.

I've come to an agreement with another client to use some of the sites scripting to build a site for them. But, now the original client wants their site too.

I have made a deal to licence the reused parts of the site (some jQuery scripts and a dynamic flash gallery) rather than me signing over full copyright.

However, I haven't got a clue how to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction to read up on this?

A good book for understanding your rights with respect to your code as a programmer is "intellectual property and open source" (google it). It covers copyrights and licensing. It's geared towards programmers and makes no assumptions you know anything about law. I got it for $10 on safari online. I'd check it out before paying for lawyer.

call a lawyer and get him to write a generic contract that you can reuse, whereby you retain all rights of resale, but the client retains a right to use.

legal advice from stackoverflow won't solve your problem. you definitely want a real lawyer to handle things like this.





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