
"Unable To Load Client Print Control" - SSRS Printing problems again

Please forgive me as my head is spinning. I have tried so many solutions to this issue, that I'm almost not sure where I am at this point.

At this point in time I have these issues in my Production, Test, and Dev environments. For simplicity sake, I will just try to get it working in Dev first. Here is my setup:

Database/Reporting Server (Same server): Windows Server 2003 SP2 SQL Server 2005 SP3

Development Box: Windows 7 Visual Studio 2008 SP1 SQL Server 2008 SP1 (not being used in this case, but wanted to include it in case it is relative) Internet Explorer 8


* I have a custom ASP.NET application that is using ReportViewer to access reports on my Database/Reporting Server.
* I am able to connect directly to Report Manager and print with no trouble.
* When I view source on the page with ReportViewer, it says I'm am using version 9.0.30729.4402 .
* The classid of the rsclientprint.dll that keeps getting installed to my c:\windows\downloaded program files directory is {41861299-EAB2-4DCC-986C-802AE12AC499}.
* I have tried taking the rsclientp开发者_如何学Pythonrint.cab file from my Database/Reporting Server and installing it directly to my Development Box and had no success.  I made sure to unregister the previously installed dll first.

I feel like I have read as many solutions as I can, and so I turn to you for some assistance. Please let me know if I can provide further details that would be helpful.


I am cross posting the solution I received on MSDN. I hope it helps someone else.

Hi mamorgan1,

From your description, I notice you are using Report Viewer with version 9.0.30729.4402, and SQL Server Reporting Serivces 2005 with SP3.

RS Client Print control is an ActiveX control which uses a ClassID to check if the ActiveX is installed on the client. By default, the ClassID for SQL Server Reporting Services SP3 is 41861299-EAB2-4DCC-986C-802AE12AC499. However, Report Viewer 9.0.30729.4402 would like the ClassID 0D221D00-A6ED-477C-8A91-41F3B660A832. RSClientPrint control has been updated after applying Cumulative Update #8 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3.

So, please apply Cumulative Update #8 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 to solve the issue.

For more information about Cumulative Update #8 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3, please see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/978915/en-us

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.

Thanks, Jin ChenJin Chen - MSFT





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