xsd.exe to C# - any way to get an ArrayList instead of an Array?
This issue is somewhat related: Problem with Code Generated by XSD.EXE: Sequence of Elements is Generated as an Array
Basically, I would rather work with an ArrayList in C# code then an array. I have a collection of errors, and I'm writing code to send back additional errors to the already existing collection of errors. Or if I find the first error, I have to instantiate this object, and set the first error of the array. I don't want to deal with resizing a C# array. It seems like it would be much easier to just add to an ArrayList.
I think question I referenced above was sort of asking the same thing, but in my case, I do have a complex type, not a simple one.
My schema has a field called Status which contains this:
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Errors">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Error">
<xs:element name="ErrorNumber" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="ErrorMessage" type="xs:string" />
I use xsd.exe to generate a C# class.
I could have made "Error" a separate schema, and referenced it (schema create with BizTalk 2006/R2), if that would make any difference in the C# generated.
The generated C# class looks like this:
private StatusError[] errorsField;
= System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute("Error", Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, IsNullable = false)] public StatusError[] Errors { get { return this.errorsField; } set { this.errorsField = value; } } }
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.Gen开发者_运维技巧eratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.1432")] [System.SerializableAttribute()] [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "https://firstrepublic.com/EagleConnect/Status/")] public partial class StatusError {
private string errorNumberField; private string errorMessageField; /// <remarks/> [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form
= System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] public string ErrorNumber { get { return this.errorNumberField; } set { this.errorNumberField = value; } }
Well, I had to continue, so I used Array.Resize. Came up with a method to look at the array, if it's not there add it, if it was there add to it, etc... An arrayList would have been easier and quicker.
// Call the method
StatusError newErrorToAdd1 = new StatusError();
newErrorToAdd1.ErrorNumber = "1112";
newErrorToAdd1.ErrorMessage = "Demo error ";
transactionRequestOut = AddErrorToTransactionRequest(transactionRequestOut, newErrorToAdd1);
public static TransactionRequest AddErrorToTransactionRequest(TransactionRequest transReq, StatusError newErr)
int intErrSubscript;
// If response is there use it, else add it
if (transReq.TransactionResponse == null)
TransactionResponse transactionResponse = new TransactionResponse();
transReq.TransactionResponse = transactionResponse;
// If response/errors are there, use them, else add them
if (transReq.TransactionResponse.Status == null)
Status status = new Status();
transReq.TransactionResponse.Status = status;
// If response/errors are there, use them, else add them
if (transReq.TransactionResponse.Status.Errors == null)
StatusError[] errors = new StatusError[1];
errors[0] = new StatusError();
intErrSubscript = 0;
transReq.TransactionResponse.Status.Errors = errors;
int newArraySize = transReq.TransactionResponse.Status.Errors.Length + 1;
intErrSubscript = newArraySize - 1;
StatusError[] errors = transReq.TransactionResponse.Status.Errors;
Array.Resize<StatusError> (ref errors, newArraySize);
transReq.TransactionResponse.Status.Errors = errors;
transReq.TransactionResponse.Status.Errors[intErrSubscript] = newErr;
return transReq;