
problem with jquery each and swich between 2 things

first see this post i got this code

    $('.yesno').each(function(i, v){

     return false;

and html this

    <a href="#">
    <span  class="Yes yesno">Yes</span>

<a href="#">
    <span class="No yesno">No</span>

no the problem when i make more than one vote iam get very big problem

see this

<a href="#">
    <span  class="Yes yesno">Yes</span>

<a href="#">
    <span class="No yesno">No</span开发者_JS百科>
<a href="#">
    <span  class="Yes yesno">Yes</span>

<a href="#">
    <span class="No yesno">No</span>

when click first yes it make it selected and when iam going to the next yes when click its because selected but the first yes became unselected

i want make some thin make each yes and know is differant of others

Change your html to this (Added divs around groups of links, could be any element, or you could do it with a rel attribute on the href too).

<div class="linkgroup">  
  <a href="#">
      <span  class="Yes yesno">Yes</span>

  <a href="#">
      <span class="No yesno">No</span>

<div class="linkgroup">  
  <a href="#">
      <span  class="Yes yesno">Yes</span>

  <a href="#">
      <span class="No yesno">No</span>

Then JS something like:

    $(this).parents('.linkgroup').find('.yesno').each(function(i, v){
    return false;

(There's also a sibling selector for jquery, which may make the code a bit cleaner, but not familiar with it).

    $(this).parents('.linkgroup').find('.yesno').each(function(i, v){
    return false;




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