
Data bound custom control with updating data when changed

I have a question related to Data Binding

If we have class A with some property for example “UserName” and text control T1 bound as follow :


I.e. property will be updated when user edit text

Now if instead of text box we have custom control C1 with control property “ControlProp” ( for example of type MyEnum ) and it is bound to class B with property MyProp of type MyEnum as following :

C1.DataBindings.Add("ControlProp ",B," MyProp",true,DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); 

The question开发者_开发知识库 is : how can be ensured behavior of custom control similar to text box described above , i.e. class B property will be updated when ControlProp changed ? Your help will be very valuable . Tnanks

First, your class B have to implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface. This is the complete code or class B

public class ClassB : System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
    private string myprop;

    public string MyProp
        return myprop;
        if (value != myprop)
        myprop = value;
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("MyProp"));



    #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members

    public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;



Then, suposse that your custom control have a label inside, and you want to bind the text of the label with your instance of class B. For example:

public partial class MyCustomControl : UserControl
    public MyCustomControl()

    public string MyCustomProperty
            return label1.Text;
            label1.Text = value;

If you bind the property MyProp of class B to MyCustomProperty of your custom control, when you change the property in your object, label1 should change its text.

    ClassB objectB = new ClassB();

    C1.DataBindings.Add("MyCustomProperty", objectB, "MyProp", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);

    objectB.MyProp = "Text 1";
    objectB.MyProp = "Text 2";

    // The final text is Text2

I think I found the solution : Added Inotifypropertychange to the control definition : public partial class MyCustomControl : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged And in the controls property setter I raise the event ( as in Javier Morillo's example )

Thanks to all





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