
Is there a Javascript cron implementation somewhere that I'm missing? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.

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I'm aware of timing issues in Javascript, how its not exact/off by milliseconds etc, but I need something to at least attempt to do browser-based scheduling.

In terms of features, I'm thinking something along the lines of scheduling patterns described here: http://www.sauronsoftware.it/projects/cron4j/manual.php#p02

Anything out there? I've done google searches and haven't found any implementation worth nothing.

I thought I'd give it a quick go -- obviously this isn't production-code-worthy yet. Have a look.

Pimping my own code here, but I'm busy developing cron.js and its ready for general use.

As long as js engines live inside a browser, I don t think there's much drive for such a feature. Now.. if one made a server js engine...

Take a look at scheduler.codeeffects.com. I don't know how it works but it has a js-based interface, so may be their scheduling engine is js-based, too. Just trying to help :)





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