Grails - Many-to-Many search
I have two domains declared in my app.
class Posts {
String title
String content
static hasMany = [tags:Tag]
static constraints = {
class Tag {
String Name
static belongsTo = Post
static hasMany = [posts:Post]
static constraints = {
String toString()
I have a controller which manages the search and display of results:
class ViewerController {
def defaultAction='search'
def search={}
def show = {
def _foundPost = Post.findAllBytitle(params.title)
return [posts: _foundPost, term: params.title]
The search.gsp code is as follows:
<head><title>Simple GSP page</title></head>
<body>Place your content here.
<g:form action="show">
<label for="title">Title</label>
<g:textField name="title" />
开发者_开发问答 <g:submitButton name="search" value="Search"/>
and the following code for show.gsp.
<head><title>Simple GSP page</title></head>
for items matching <em>${term}</em>.
Found <strong>${posts.size()}</strong> hits.
<g:each var="tag" in="${posts.tags}">
<g:link action='search'>Search Again</g:link></body>
My Question is I am unable to display the tags as follows:
Found 1 hits.
* [planting, dig]
However, I want the output as:
* planting
* dig
What am I doing wrong here?
Much Appreciated.
<g:each var="tag" in="${posts.tags}">
<g:each var="tag" in="${posts.tags[0]}">