
Most Commonly used extensions and helper functions in ASP.NET C#

I am an ASP.NET C# web developer.

The architecture followed is 3 layer

The layers used are

1. UI

2. BLL (Sometimes Communicating with BLL is done using WebServices)

3. DAL

Pretty basic stuff.

What I would really like to have is a BLL.Common class in the BusinessLogics.

Here I would like to use some useful extensions and helper functions that we use in almost all applicat开发者_StackOverflow社区ions.

An example will IsNullOrEmpty extension.

Which are the helper functions most commonly used by developers?

It would be better if I could get a list.



There are sooo many. Lets see (some (very few) from one of my reusable libs):

Generic Utils:

  • public static bool AreEqual(object val1, object val2)
  • public static bool IsNumber(string val, bool integerOnly, bool positiveOnly)

Reflection Utils:

  • public static object Activate(string typeName)
  • public static PropertyInfo Property(Type t, string prop)
  • public static void SetValueSafe(string path, object target, object val) // Converts type to appropriate. Great for auto generated UIs
  • public static object ConvertType(Type expectedType, object val)
  • public static object GetValue(object target, string fullPath) // Allow dot expression

Logger Utils:

  • Easy to use wrapper for log4net is a great help

File Utils: // Note all of these have to use streams safely (dispose them)

  • public static void WriteFileContents(string filename, Stream contentStream)
  • public static byte[] GetStreamContents(Stream stream)
  • public static string GetTextFileContents(string file)
  • public static void WriteFileContents(string filename, byte[] contents)
  • public static void AssertDirIsReadWrite(string fileOrDir, bool attemptCreate)
  • public static string GetZipFileTextContents(string file)
  • public static void ZipFile(string file, string zipFile)
  • public static void ZipFiles(string directory, string filter, string zipFile)
  • public static string FindFileInDirectory(string file, string baseDirectory)
  • public static void CopyDirectory(DirectoryInfo from, DirectoryInfo target)
  • public static void ClearDirectory(DirectoryInfo dir)
  • public static IEnumerable GetDirectories(string baseDir)
  • public static IEnumerable GetFiles(string baseDir, string ext) // Recursive

Colleciton Utils:

  • Add support for Linq like methods in non generic IEnumerable
  • public static void ForEach(IEnumerable e, Action action) // This one is great!
  • AreEqual
  • ToString
  • Cast
  • IsNullOrEmptySort




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