
Automata Design software [closed]

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I开发者_开发百科 am looking for an open source GUI based application that can draw either FSM or Automata. Anyone knows of anything?

I have looked into this many times over the years. My conclusion was you cant have open source + GUI and have it be functional.

The oss gui tools are usuall sub-par in some manner or another, generally they are out-of-date and unsupported.

There are many "build from a text file description" FSM generators out there. How badly do you really need the GUI.

If you meant only draw there are plenty, basically any OSS UML modeling tool should support drawing an FSM.

There are some commerial offerings that are good: Matlab, StateWorks.

For many years, the eclipse modeling framework - https://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/ has looked promising - but i have never gotten anywhere with it

I found Fizzim, an open source & GUI-driven app that can draw finite-state machines:

The GUI is written in java for portability. The backend code generation is written in perl for portability and ease of modification.

It seems the latest version adds Verilog / SystemVerilog code generation.





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