
Getting Session in Http Handler ashx

I am using Http Handler ashx file for showing the images. I was using Session object to get image and return in the response

Now problem is i need to use custom Session object its nothing but the Wrapper on HttpSession State But when i am trying to get existing custom session object its creating new ... its not showing session data , i checked the session Id which is also different Please adive how can i get existing session in ashx file ?

Note: When i use ASP.NET Sesssion its working fine

 [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
    [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
    public class GetImage : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequire开发者_开发技巧sSessionState 

When you want to get access to your Session State from an ASHX or HttpHandler you need to implement IReadOnlySessionState or IRequiresSessionState if you need read/write access.

The fact that it's an ashx should be irrelevant - assuming the request is being spawned off a request from an exsiting session; I'm assuming it should be - but it might pay to check exactly how the request is being formed. Always pays to go back to basics :)

Assuming that's ok, this is how I've been doing it:

string sessionId = string.Empty; 
System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager sessionIDManager = new System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager();
bool supportSessionIDReissue;
sessionIDManager.InitializeRequest(httpContext, false, out supportSessionIDReissue); sessionId = sessionIDManager.GetSessionID(httpContext);
if (sessionId == null)
 // Create / issue new session id: 
 sessionId = sessionIDManager.CreateSessionID(httpContext);

At the end of this the sessionId variable will (should) contain the existing Session ID, or a newly created one that you can reuse later..

you can just use a Actionresult rather than a handler for this

return new FileStreamResult(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open), "image/jpeg");


return(new FileResult(Pathtoimage, "image/jpeg"));

that should make things easier as you wil be using a controll/action as your url


<img src="/Images/showImage/1">

you can then have your actions deal with anything like pulling from db as bytes streaming, check validation etc





验证码 换一张
取 消

