
I would like to convert Joomla CMS to ASP.net as there is no CMS like Joomla in .net. Would that be a good idea?

I have开发者_运维技巧 this idea boggling my head since a long time.

As a developer, I get a lot from the community and feel like giving back something to the community.

And after knowing and working on Joomla i found Joomla CMS as the most flexible, easy and user friendly cms.

As a developer, I like most of the features of it.

Now, i want to have a asp.net version of joomla, available free to the community. I wanted to start it from scratch and it would be a copy/same as joomla.

Would that be a good idea to go with it?

Are there any CMS (same as Joomla) available in asp.net?

I would like to have suggestions and advice from my community developers. Critics are welcomed ;) SIA

Checkout CMSWire. They have the language platform for most of the CMS packages along with a bunch of other attributes.

I think every web developer writes a CMS at some point in their career. I'm working on one right now. But a project the size of Joomla or Dotnetnuke is way too big for one person, even fulltime.

Btw, my favorite CMS ( based of demos ) that I've seen so for is Umbraco.

I've had the same idea as well but like people say it is a huge task. However it's not as big as creating a CMS in a language like PHP from scratch becuase you can use features like rich data controls, Membership, profiles, themes, masterpages, webparts etc.

For that reason I would not een bother trying to convert joomla's php to c# but rather create a feature list and write code from that.

The only CMS that I've found comes close to joomla is Kentico mainly because of the use of webparts.

You might look at DOTNETNUKE (http://www.dotnetnuke.com/).

That is the only major .NET based CMS that I know of. I also use Joomla and have used DOTNETNUKE as well and they offer many of the same features. If .NET is the way you need to go, this is really the only .NET CMS Open Source player out there.





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