Javascript regular expression URL alteration
I have a URL like /admin/editblogentry?page=3&color=blue
I want to alter the 'page' in the url to 1 so that the url becomes
What is the best way to accomplish this using javascript?
var s="/admin/editblogentry?page=3&color=blue"
var re=/(.*page=)(\d+)(&.*)*/
Assuming that the URL contains only one number (i.e. the page numbers), this is the simplest regex:
"/admin/editblogentry?page=3&color=blue".replace(/\d+/, 10001)
Another way to do it.
function changePage (url, newPage) {
var rgx=/([?&]page=)\d+/;
var retval = url.replace(rgx, "$1" + newPage);
return retval;
var testUrls = [
for (var i=0; i<testUrls.length; i++) {
var converted = changePage(testUrls[i], i);
alert(testUrls[i] + "\n" + converted);