
Sha or Md5 algorithm i need to encrypt and decrypt in flex

Hi I am developing my application in flex and JSP, so when I am passing values through HTTP Service Post method with request object but these values are tracing and modifying by testing team so I am planning to encrypt values in flex and decrypt it in jsp.so is there any algorithms like SHA or MD5 more secure algorithms, so please send any code or related links it is very useful to me. I am using like

httpService = new HTTPService;
httpService.request = new Object;
httpService.request.task = "doInvite";
httpService.request.email = emailInpu开发者_运维问答t.text;
httpService.request.firstName = firstNameInput.text;
httpService.request.lastName = lastNameInput.text;

So is there any other way to give more secure ,please help me in this,Thanks in Advance.

you can't "decrypt" MD5 or SHA1 hashes they are ONE-WAY hashes which means they are non-recoverable.

Kinda hard to read, but (as far as I could understand) you're confusing Encryption with Hashing. Neither MD5 nor SHA are encryption algorithms, they're hash algorithms:

Hash Function


You should consider posting to a secure area of the site, i.e. over https.

I have found a mature Flex library that implements both the MD5 and SHA-1 hash algorythms. So now you can use either one on the Flex side.


Of course, you can't go backwards with a hash algorythm, so you'll have to compare the persisted hash with the one sent over the wire.





验证码 换一张
取 消

