
Sorting a databound Silverlight DataGrid

I have a databound Silverlight DataGrid control that I am trying to sort. I am using RIA services (beta) for my data source, if that makes any difference.

I am quite new to databinding in Silverlight, so this might be something really obvious that I've missed, but I can't seem to find any info on it. I want to be able to set the binding of the ItemSource to a collection in xaml using binding syn开发者_如何学Ctax, and have it sorted on one column.

I realize I could set the ItemsSource in code and use LINQ to .OrderBy(). But I don't get a binding that way. It seems like there should be a simple way to do this but I can't find one. How can I keep the binding yet order my collection?

have a look at using a CollectionViewSource. You basically use one as a 'middleman' between your actual collection of data and you data-bound control.

rough example:

              Source="{Binding <<<bind to your collection here >>> }"   
              x:Key="myDataView" />



<ListBox Name="lsyFoo" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource myDataView}}">


then in your code behind:

                new SortDescription("<<<insert property to sort by>>>", ListSortDirection.Ascending));

(ps. you can also add grouping using PropertyGroupDescription)

As you are using RIA Services, you can use the DomainDataSource in your XAML. This will allow you to add SortDescriptors which will do your ordering. See my example below:

    <riaData:SortDescriptor Direction="Ascending" 
                            PropertyPath="Name" />





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