Cakephp HABTM relation
i have theses tables article , article_curre开发者_运维知识库ncy, currency in database and i made HABTM between article and currency like this
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('currency'=>array('className' => 'currency','joinTable'=>'article_currency','foreignKey' => 'articleid','associationForeignKey' => 'CurrencyID'));
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('articlemodel'=>array('className' => 'articlemodel','joinTable'=>'article_currency','foreignKey' => 'CurrencyID','associationForeignKey' => 'ArticleID'));
and here cake genrate the model ArticleCurrency for me when i try to change its name using with to 'article_currency' is give me this error Database table article_currencies for model article_currency was not found.
how i can solve this
Table names are plural by convention: articles, currencies, articles_currencies