Restrict values of an element to be unique within the elements under the same XPath
Consider this XML -
<UniqueValue>A101</UniqueValue> <!-- This should be an error -->
<UniqueValue> A101 </UniqueValue> <!-- This should be an error but not critical for now -->
How do I restrict the simple type element <UniqueValue>
such that its values are unique?
Also not that I don't want to restrict to numbers.
Try putting a uniqueness constraint on "Root". Note that this needs to be ont he element definition, not a type definition:
<xsd:element name="Root" type="RootType">
<xsd:unique name="uniqueValues">
<xsd:selector xpath="Foo"/>
<xsd:field xpath="UniqueValue"/>
Depending on the parser you are using, you may have to switch on additional options to get this validated (e.g. "full schema validation", identity constraint validation, etc).