What's the correct syntax for options when generating Blueprint CSS files in SSH with Ruby command?
I need to generate default Blueprint CSS files using a Ruby command in the Shell. However the column_width, amount and gutter parameters aren't coming trough. I think i don't understand the syntax...
is this correct:
ruby compress.rb -o /var/www/css/blueprint/src/ -p 70 15 12
for this documentation?
joshua-claytons-computer:lib joshuaclayton$ ru开发者_StackOverflow中文版by compress.rb -h
Usage: compress.rb [options]
Blueprint Compressor
-o, --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH Define a different path to output generated CSS files to.
-n, --namespace=BP_NAMESPACE Define a namespace prepended to all Blueprint classes (e.g. .your-ns-span-24)
-p, --project=PROJECT_NAME If using the settings.yml file, PROJECT_NAME is the project name you want to export
--column_width=COLUMN_WIDTH Set a new column width (in pixels) for the output grid
--gutter_width=GUTTER_WIDTH Set a new gutter width (in pixels) for the output grid
--column_count=COLUMN_COUNT Set a new column count for the output grid
-h, --help Show this help message.
Based on the usage help I think you will need to specify the argument names instead of relying simply on their position. Also you specified the -p parameter without providing a project name. Perhaps something like this will work better for you:
ruby compress.rb -o /var/www/css/blueprint/src/ --column_width=70 --gutter_width=15 --gutter_width=12