
Is VisualStudio 2010 built with WPF/XAML?

I had a crash with the new Release Candidate and the details suggested something went awry with WPF. Is it the case that 开发者_StackOverflow中文版at least some of the UI in the new release is built using WPF and XAML?


  • The IDE shell built with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

  • The internals have been redesigned using Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)

There is a patch available:


If you specify what you were doing when the crash happened you might get better help. The patch above seems to be related to intellisense. It still may fix your issue even if it isn't due to an intellisense issue as Scott mentions in a comment.

Yes, it is. Look at wikipedia. I quote:

The IDE shell has been rewritten using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), whereas the internals have been redesigned using Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) that offers more extensibility points than previous versions of the IDE that enabled add-ins to modify the behavior of the IDE.

EDIT: There is now a patch for the second intellisense/UIA issue in the RC. You can read about it on the Visual Studio Blog and download it here.

In addition to the mentions about the shell in other answers, the editor also uses WPF for UI. Assuming this is one of the Intellisense/UIA-related crashes, it was likely the editor that caused the crash you are seeing. There are two known Intellisense/UIA crashing bugs in the RC; the larger of the two has a patch available. The other has been fixed internally, but there is no patch available for it at this time.

(I'm a developer on the editor team)





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